Orders for queens and five-frame nucs are by email only to info@hamptonhives.com.au


We specialise in breeding "dark" bees, ie Carniolan queens which we find work very well in our Melbourne weather, but which our customers also report are doing well in Qld, ACT and SA.

Our breeder queens are primarily sourced from Joe Horner, internationally renowned queen breeder from NSW. Joe has a unique system for mating his queens naturally, without the need to use Artificial Insemination.

Joe's queens are well known for their


We produce queen cells, virgin queens and mated queens.

Our queens are not pre-caged or kept in 'banks', but are maintained in young colonies until the time of postage or collection.


Honeycomb divider

Five frame nucleus colonies are also available upon request.
These colonies include one of our queens, bees of all generations from nursemaid to forager, honey and pollen stores.

We do not sell boxes, so we need you to bring us your box, lid,  base and enough frames to complete your box after the 5 we will give you with the colony and we will install the colony and then advise when it is ready for collection (after dark).